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Salesforce File

Salesforce File and Data Model

In this article, we will be going to give a few important information about Salesforce File. The lightning experience uses Salesforce Files for any Content, Attachments, Files, Content, and Documents. The internal object name is ContentDocument. Salesforce File and Data Model

ContentDocument object represents a document that has been uploaded to a library in Salesforce CRM Content or Salesforce Files

Salesforce File and Data Model
Content Document Object Model


Now the ContentDocumentLink object represents the link between a Salesforce CRM Content document, Salesforce file, or ContentNote and where it’s shared. A file can be shared with other users, groups, records, and Salesforce CRM Content libraries

Use this object to query the locations where a file is shared or query which files are linked to a particular location. For example, the following query returns a particular document shared with a Chatter group

  • Point to note that both ContentDocument and ContentDocumentLink objects are not customizable, you cannot add custom fields.
  • Use the ContentDocumentLink  object to query the locations where a file is shared or query which files are linked to a particular location. For example, the following query returns a particular document shared with a Chatter group

SELECT ContentDocument.title FROM ContentDocumentLink WHERE ContentDocumentId = ‘069D00000000so2’ AND LinkedEntityId = ‘0D5000000089123’

  • The ContentDocumentLink object supports triggers 

These are the few important settings when you enable File in a Salesforce organization

If you are using File Connect then the external files (like from Google Drive, SharePoint, Box etc) can be connected to Salesforce.

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